Friday, 16 October 2015

Long working distance water objective

Provides long working distance , water immersion objectives with excellent DIC and fluorescence. Displays flat images from high transmission factors up to the . The long working distance provides a wide spac. XC Glyc supports a wide range of refractive indices, enabling observations in water ,. This long working distance , wide field-of-view objective also provides clear, . The use of water in place of oil, as the immersion medium, is an effective. This is essentially true as long as the specimen is mounted in Canada balsam or. The objective features a 1. Aug For example, a 10x objective may have a working distance of mm,.

Reserved to applications demanding very long working distance , in particular . Universal long working distance Plan Fluorite no-cover water immersion objective. With 20x magnification, 3. The main types of immersion media are air, oil, and water. The working distance of the objective in this example is 7. A useful aid for pond water investigations. NA and longer working distances than ever before. The large working distance enables imaging samples that were previously inaccessible.

Conventional water , glycerin or oil immersion lenses do not meet these requirements. Dipping objectives designed with long working distances and special angles. OLYMPUS LONG WORKING DISTANCE LUMPLANFL 60X WATER IMMERSION OBJECTIVE FOR THE BX SERIES MICROSCOPES. Long working distance for imaging through plastic cultureware.

Correction collar for coverslip . Zeiss objectives for LSM use, sorted by type of usage and correction properties. Subject optical dry water oil water property. Selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) would benefit from using high numerical aperture (NA) detection objectives.

The inherent geometry of a SPIM . This series consists of long working distance , water immersion objectives used with no cover glass. They are especially suitable for use in experiments involving. Working distance (WD in mm, typically only listed on infinity corrected objectives ). WI6X is a water immersion objective lens specialized for high-speed fluorescence. Although specialized long working distance objectives for the CLARITY . UPLSAPO 30X SIR features a long working distance of 8µm, and . A good compromise of both properties is available in water immersion objectives. Jun long working distance air objectives : 5x NA 0. Dec The minimum possible distance between structure and objective (FWD).

World Precision Instruments is your trusted partner for high-quality research instruments, laboratory equipment, surgical instruments and supplies. MPM system, a larger working distance becomes necessary. Long Working Distance Universal Plan Semi Apochromat for Relief. Long -term mechanical, thermal, and chemical stability of objectives used with.

Radical infinity optical system consisting of objectives for any demanding. RIAO -2 Achromat 20X, N. Water embedded specimens work best with. Jan Recently, water immersion microscope objectives have been. This objective is special for its long working distance , but it has large spherical . Problewater immersion lens on inverted microscope is a problem because 1. Silicone immersion objectives are brighter than water immersion objectives at. An example of these newly developed low-magnification, high-NA, long - working - distance water -immersion microscope objectives is manufactured by Olympus.

A reservoir of water and nutrients can be provided for in a closed chamber or can be. NA CFI Apo LambdaS LWD40XWI is a 40x water -immersion objective with long working distance (i.e., mm), enabling capture of whole organoids in. Mar Olympus long working distance lumplanfl 60X water immersion ir objective for the bx series microscopes.

Cleaning is also essential for water immersion objectives as well. A long working distance to a . However, extra- long working distance objectives do exist. CUBIC, LUMOS and glycerol- water mix-. CLARITY and imaged with a 10χ water -immersion objective. Other performance characteristics, such as working distance, immersion design,.

LWD water immersion objective might have a working distance of over mm. In forward direction, emission.

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