Start studying Descriptive words to describe books. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Jun Page-turner is common. Dec A word that describes the reading experience answer Dec A single word meaning deep love of reading Jun More from english.
What are some really good words to describe books?
Aug How to describe books Jul How to describe book - reading Nov Words : How do I express in a single word or phrase the lingering. Reading Strategies Posters. Aug so here are ten unusual words that any good book lover should know.
Describe How You Feel When You Read a Book ? British spelling of encyclopedic. Jun Apparently, all the words above describe books which a reader is likely to devour ( = take in eagerly). If the book you read is not like that, you .
Sep This is the first of two posts that will provide you with a range of adjectives and phrases for describing what you have seen and read in a way . Have you read any thought-provoking books recently? Jul a person who excitedly takes photos of the books they read and posts.